Friday, March 12, 2010

Time Change?

Many churches have service schedules that have been the same for decades which, of course, is fine. My main question is whether or not any of you see an advantage to changing service times. Have you, or some church you know about, been involved in such an endeavor? (This was just a random thought brought about by the looming "Daylight Saving Time though I'm going to lose an hour of sleep" issue.)


JamesCharles said...

Our church changed service times Sunday evening from 6:00 to 5:00PM for the elderly and their driving at night issues. It increased attendance of those elders on Sunday evening.

Arch Bishop said...

I used to pastor a church that changed time with the seasons. A host of problems ranged from radio intro had to be redone, business cards with service times were only good for six months, visitors could not keep up with when services began. Eventuallt they dropped it for the same time year round.