Monday, March 22, 2010

Required Reading For A Pastor's Wife (and possibly for all Christian women)!!!

Every Pastor's wife, Minister's wife, and Christian woman should go to a bookstore (online or in person) and buy "I'm More than the Pastor's Wife: Authentic Living in a Fishbowl World" by Lorna Dobson. I read the entire book yesterday, and really believe that Mrs. Dobson (not married to Dr. James Dobson but to Ed Dobson) has really "hit the nail on the head." While maybe not every single issue or decision is exactly what you would do, there are many principles in this book that can really help the women God has called to be the wife of a Pastor, Minister, Missionary, etc. However, the principles would be good for all Christian women to know for themselves and so that they might even protect the other ladies in their life. So, do it now. Go to the store (online even!), buy the book, read it, and be ready to breathe a sigh of relief!

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