Tuesday, July 07, 2009

SBC at odds over sale of Mark Driscoll literature (OneNewsNow.com)

SBC at odds over sale of Mark Driscoll literature (OneNewsNow.com)

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Bro. Matt said...

The more I read about Mark Driscoll, the more concerned I am about his "cutting edge" methods. Obviously, I don't know him personally, so I'm having to take all this second hand. But it is a concern to me nonetheless.

Cory said...

He's probable not worth defending, but this paragraph sounds alot like some folks I know

"We've had leaders like Adrian Rogers through the years, who's gone now, and heaven knows we need him more than we ever have," Wilson says. "And I don't want to see our convention go the way of Mark Driscoll and others. I'd rather go the way that Adrian Rogers and some of these leaders of the past have been leading us."

You could replace the name Adrian rogers with anyone of our old leaders......