Right or Wrong or Indifferent?
Many people say that Mike Huckabee should not be running for President since he is called of God to preach the Gospel (for sake of this argument, let's all assume he has been called as a minister). What do you say? Is this a matter of right or wrong? Is it being approached in the wrong manner? Does it really make a difference? Does he have his "nose" where it does not belong? Let me know!
The importance of inward religion
17 hours ago
Ironically, my grandmother, who is a Pentecostal, said the same thing, lol.
I don't believe his seeking of political office is wrong. Only if you take the position that "A man is only called of God to preach, and to do so for life," as some in our work do, is it wrong. I don't know how people can question what God is or is not leading him or any other person to do. That's not a judgment call for us to make.
So, I think the deciding factor of whether it is wrong or not for him to run depends on one's view of ministry.
Matt, great question.
Tonight (Wednesday), I taught a lesson on from the life of Elijah in 1 Kings 18:1-16. Obadiah was King Ahab's "chief of staff." He worked for the king, yet he feared the Lord and protected 100 prophets of God.
One of the points I tried to make is that in every arena of life, we need to fear and serve God. God uses all kinds of people in all kinds of places to accomplish his plans.
As far as Mike Huckabee goes, it is ultimately between him and God. Do I think God can call a person to minister as a pastor for a season and then do something else later? Sure. We see it all the time. It doesn't mean he no longer serves God. He just isn't doing it as a pastor in a local church.
No matter our vocation, we are all to be servants of God, declaring and sharing the Gospel with those we encounter, and living out Kingdom values.
That is more or less my thinking on the subject.
This goes back to the old "I'd rather pastor a Baptist Church than be President of the United States" sentiment [said by all who might have a chance at pastoring but no chance at President ;-D]. Actually that's not a bad sentiment to stress importance (though it looks like Huckabee doesn't agree). But being called to preach does not mean that the only thing God has ever has for one to do is pastor. And doing something "secular" and preaching the gospel are not mutually exclusive. Guy Hunt was Governor of Alabama and continued his ministry as a Primitive Baptist preacher. Of course he was already bi-vocational before becoming governor, and Governor of Alabama is not as time consuming as President of the United States. Don't Missionary Baptists often tend to give a "bye" on this to those who quit pastoring to teach seminary, work as a religious editor, run a Bible book store, be a secretary-treasurer of missions, etc., etc.?
So my answer is no, it is not wrong. But we don't need Mike Huckabee as President. GO RON PAUL.
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