ABA Messenger Meeting 2009, Springfield Missouri - Tuesday Evening
The evening's activities began with a musical prelude followed by a Scripture reading and prayer. After prayer, the Springfield, Missouri Veterans presented the colors. The assembly sang the National Anthem and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Bro. John Saunders, Colorado, led in a prayer for our nation and churches.
The messenger assembly was then welcomed by the Host Pastors and representatives from Springfield. A gracious response was given and the 2009 ABA National Messenger Assembly was officially convened. Bro. Edgar Sutton presented the proposed agenda which was adopted. President Roger Copeland was introduced followed by County Avenue BC choir specials. Bro. Copeland's presidential address was entitled "Revive Us Again" (Psalm 85:6). (The full address will not be posted until a later date. It can also be found in the 2009 Yearbook.)
Revive Us Again - Psalm 85:6
I. Recognition of the Past - vss. 1-3
A. Remember the favor of God - vs. 1
B. Remember the forgiveness God supplies - vss. 2-3
II. Request for the Present - vss. 4-6a
A. One source of revival - vs. 4
B. One prayer to pray - vs. 6a
III. Restoration for the People of God - vss. 6b-8
A. A rejoicing people - vs. 6b
B. A people at peace with the Lord and His people - vs. 8
A motion was made and seconded for the message to be printed in the yearbook. Motion passed.
The speaker for the annual sermon, Bro. Robert Myer, Maryland, was introduced by his son. Special music was presented by Gail Holt. Bro. Myer's sermon was on "The Amazing Providence of God."
The Amazing Providence of God - Romans 8:28
I. Biblical Examples of God's Providence
A. Joseph
B. Esther
C. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego
II. Some Examples of God's Providence in the Present Age
III. What Can We Expect in the Future Concerning God's Providence
A motion was made and seconded for the annual sermon to be placed in the yearbook. Motion passed.
President Copeland then called for the following committees: Enrollment & Finance, Resolutions, Memorials, Tellers.
A motion was made to set aside Article 1, Section 2 of the Missions Policy concerning the following brethren: Stacey Irwin, Javier Moreno, David Law, Bro. Corales (sp?), Marco Mejia. All motions were seconded and passed. (These motions were in effect tabled until Wednesday morning's session when they will be taken off the table.)
A resolution concerning Bogg Springs and Pine Springs being given to Arkansas and Texas churches respectively was presented and approved. This motion being tabled will be brought forth at a later date.
An amendment to Article 7, Section 2 (or 7?) and Article 9, Section 1 failed to pass.
An amendment to Article 3, Section 1 passed and was tabled until a later date.
An amendment to the Doctrinal Statement (two new statements) was passed and laid on the table until a later date.
An amendment to the Missions Policy brought forth by Bro. Brooks failed (a 2/3 vote was needed and was not achieved).
The meeting was then adjourned (9:15 pm) until Wednesday morning at 9:15 am.
Following this session, the booths and exhibits were opened.
The importance of inward religion
17 hours ago
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