Now This Is Interesting
While doing some research, I ran across a church that has these articles posted on their homepage:
"What a horrifying reality, to think you will enter God's presence on the day of your death, but then, come to find out on that day, you were actually deceived, and you find yourself in hell. Such is, and will be, the terror of most who call themselves Christians today (Matthew 7:13-14; Luke 13:24; 2 Peter 2:2). They will find themselves weeping and gnashing their teeth (e.g. Matthew 8:12; 22:1-14; 25;14-30; Luke 13:28).
If you are involved with the kind of Christianity that views the "church of Christ", or Billy Graham, or Rick Warren, or Joel Osteen, or James Dobson, or Pat Robertson, or John MacArthur, or Tony Evans, or Greg Laurie, or Charles Stanley, or Chuck Smith, or Fred Price, or J. Vernon McGee, or Charles Blake, or Chuck Swindoll, or Gene Scott, or Harold Camping (Family Radio), or John Piper, or T. D. Jakes, or David Jeremiah, or Charles Spurgeon, or Dave Hunt, or David W. Cloud, or Perry F Rockwood, or Neil Anderson, or Robert Schuller, or Jack Hayford, or Benny Hinn, or Miles McPherson, or Ray Comfort, or Jim Cobrae, or Chuck Colson, or C. S. Lewis, or Pope John Paul, or Hank Hanegraaff, or Paul Chappell, or any of the like (or any of the likes on "Christian" TV or radio) as godly men, you are not saved. Why? Because, you are on the broad way (Matthew 7:13; 2 Peter 2:2; 2 Timothy 4:3). You have not the characteristic of Christ's sheep (John 10:5). And, men such as these are wells without water (2 Peter 2:17)."
"Most churches are led by false teachers (2 Peter 2:1-3). Some of the more well known "heap" (2 Tim. 4:3) of false teachers are James Dobson, John MacArthur, Greg Laurie,, Billy Graham, Pat Robertson, Rick Warren, Dave Hunt, Charles Stanley, Fredrick K. C. Price, Neil Anderson, Chuck Swindoll, Chuck Smith, Miles McPherson, T.D. Jakes, Benny Hinn, Jack Hayford, Martin & Deidre Bobgan, Paul Chappell, Also erroneous are the "Early Church Fathers" (Catholic lies), TBN, Charles Spurgeon (ecumenical), Promise Keepers, "KJV Onlyism", Alcoholics Anonymous, "Christian" Psychology, "Biblical" Counseling, and certain holidays (e.g. Christmas, Easter Halloween, and Valentine's Day)"
[These articles were taken from the website of A True Church at]
I have spent some time reading the different pages on this website and will reserve my comments for now. But I would like for you mature Christians to check this site out and comment here on what you think.
The importance of inward religion
17 hours ago
For more information about Darwin Fish and "a true church", check this out:
What garbage.
And kind of funny who all was lumped in there together.
Thanks for the website.
It is garbage...and yes, it was somewhat funny who was lumped together. Next thing you know, we'll have our names in there!!!
Mature Christians can comment... hmmm.... not sure if that means me. :o)
Well, their salvation part of their doctrine seemed right on. My eyes started glazing through a lot of it.
I am still trying to figure out what they mean by Jerusalem is God.
I am too sick to think too hard. :oP
I think they have a big problem with Christians claiming to be Christians without any evidence of salvation. You cannot live as a "Christian" and continually live as the world does, showing no fruit of the Spirit. Biblically, I believe we are to treat Christian that live that way as nonbelievers.
However, they have some strange views.
That site is complete bull.
Quotes were taken out of context, statements twisted to fits Darwin Fish's own conceited purposes, and it's downright judgmental and arrogant.
He is a self-righteous Pharisee and Jesus said that the Pharisees were the ones that would burn in hell. Such a man as he cannot possibly be saved because he shows no Christian love whatsoever.
Wow. I guess I'm gonna have to start workin' harder to convince myself I'm saved. That's his "gospel" in effect, right?
Kristin, as for Jerusalem BEING God, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that Meester Feesh doesn't understand "poetic license," or symbolism. He demonstrates repeatedly (exhaustively so) that he misses the point of the difference between the IMPICIT and the EXPLICIT. As far as I can tell, he seems to enjoy taking what is overwhelmingly understood to be implied, putting explicit (literal) interpretation to it, and vice versa. Hey, the mind is truly a terrible thing to taste, er, waste. Maybe he shouldn't have been on that 6 or 9 month pot binger...
Ha! I misspelled "imlicit." Maybe I shouldn't have been on that 6 or 9 year Starbuck's binger...
Even feeling better, I just don't get it. LOL maybe that is a good thing!
How can a person believe a city IS God? Is that what they are saying? Like buildings, land, trees etc...??
Just weird!
Okay me again! :o) Just weird... they are way too weird.
I wonder if that the standard list of pastors to attack.
When we were going to David Jeremiah's church, there was a big homosexual group that was picketing him. I think it coincided with a bunch of other churches as well. Most of the parking is across the street so these people would stand on the sidewalk handing out flyers with most of the names listed on this site. (David Jeremiah just made the comment. Wow, what a group to be lumped into. I am honored. :o)
Everyone was so polite, they took the flyers. Smiled, wished them a great night. Shook their hands. I think it popped their bubble. They were gone before services were out and never seen again.
These guys have got to be from California...HAHAHA...
Well, of course, if they were from Texas they would have a gun stockpile and a shootout!
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