Get Out Of My Way!
Tonight I am teaching at the Guy's Night Out at The Journey (a teen camp we attend). I hope to keep the lesson light-hearted, but the subject is serious. I, along with some other men, are hoping to encourage these young guys to be courteous to their dates, respectful of their parents, and overall gentlemen. However, I know many of them will "roll their eyes" with this advice from some "old guys."
I'm afraid that this is not just a problem with young men but with our society as a whole. We are no longer worried about the Golden Rule. Instead of doing unto others what we would want them to do unto us, we are now doing unto others before they can do unto us. Why?!? Well, as the Bible accurately teaches, this is how it will be in the last days (personally, I think we are in the last days...but who knows?). The Bible teaches us that "men will be lovers of themselves." How true this is today!
Having said all of this, let's be careful to treat others how Christ would treat them. Let's treat them the way we would want to be treated. Through such actions, I pray they might see God's love for them.
An Old Disciple, Acts 21
10 hours ago
How was The Journey? I loved being a part of that came for a few years. Great times and great ministry. Wonderful people now run it. Michael Roberts is top notch.
Did you say Michael Roberts was top notch?!? Don't tell him that! Naw...I'm just kidding.
The Journey was really good this year. It turned out to be something different than we had planned, though that is usually the case. Most of the campers (an approximately 90% majority) were professed Christians, so it turned into more a discipleship camp rather than a pure evangelistic camp. However, 8 souls were saved, 23 rededicated their lives to the Lord, and 3 men surrendered to the ministry! So, was it what we planned? No. Was it what God had planned instead? Definitely.
We also enjoyed some new stuff (inflatables, etc.) and the band, UnCommon. Anyway, the week as a whole was a success. Too bad you're not able to still join us at The Journey. But if you have any ideas of how we can improve, I'll sure take them!
Who needs God's love when Oprah and Dr. Phil have taught us all to love ourselves? 'Cause, you know, you can't TRULY love anyone until you love yourself. Right?
And what's with all this "right" and "wrong" stuff you talk so much about? Don't you know that "what's right for you is fine for you, just don't impose it in me" is the law of the land? I mean, who makes YOU the judge of my actions? Oh, and don't worry about the car. You've got two. I'm taking one of 'em 'cause that's what seems right to me. Sucka!!
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