Creation vs. Evolution
In today's world, it seems that Christianity will compromise with almost anything in order to just "fit in." This is even true concerning the debate of creation versus evolution. There are "so-called" Christians who "believe" the Bible, yet they do not accept the Genesis account of creation. They either believe evolution or theistic evolution, though neither can be accepted, according to biblical teachings! How can a "Christian" say that they believe in God and His Word and then not accept what it plainly states in the first parts of Genesis. God made this world, universe, man, etc. in six days and rested on the seventh day. The earth is young (approximately 6,000 years old). Science and the Bible back this up. So, stop worrying about what others think and stick with what the Bible says. Besides...I don't want to be a monkey's uncle!!!
The importance of inward religion
17 hours ago
"That's when I light fires." Hysterical!
If we believe Romans 5:12, then evolution could not have happened. Death and decay did not come to this world until man, fully formed and sentient, sinned. Evolution, as espoused by the "scientific" community, cannot occur without death (survival of the fittest). The Bible has never been proven inaccurate and there's no good reason to disbelieve it's genealogical records, thus the earth must be no more than 6,000-10,000 years old. The age of the universe as quoted by the "scientific" community is really arrived at as a result of an evolutionary bias, not by any scientific age-dating method. They just have to have an old universe for evolution to have any hope of "success" (so called). I'm no monkey's uncle and no ancestor of mine ever crawled out of the ocean other than to step off a sailing vessel whem immigrating to America!
- Darren B.
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