Is That Your Final Answer?
In case you have not watched the news for the last year, several items of interest have occurred that should show us that we are closer than ever to the Lord's Second Coming (which is true by default...because today is one day closer than yesterday, but you know what I mean!). Anyway, I was thinking about some things and I thought it would be interesting to know where you stood on the rapture, Second Coming, etc. So let me know when you think the Rapture will occur, what you believe about Christ's Second Coming, and how you interpret Revelation. You can add anything else you want to, as long as it pertains to this issue. (Oh, throw some Scripture in there to show why you believe a certain idea...of course, that should go without saying.)
The importance of inward religion
17 hours ago
I believe that one day Christ will return. His return will be apparent to all on earth. He will bring restoration to the heavens and the earth. His kingdom will be established on the earth in its fullest. I his return, the dead will be resurrected. Those who have scorned Jesus in their life will be punished, and all those who have claimed Jesus as their Lord and Savior will be welcomed into God's eternal kingdom.
I do not believe in a rapture. I think that idea comes from a very poor interpretation of Paul's passage in 1 Thess. and an escapest/dualist notion that God's going to come get us out of this bad material world and whisk us away to some cloud in the sky.
Love to hear the rest of yall thoughts.
i am not touching this one:)
C'mon, Stubb, I got your back...;)
Yay Michael! Another amill friend for me!
Actually, I'm somewhere between amillennial and historic pre-millennial.
What does Bro. Matt think? I believe that we as Christians will go through a good bit, if not most, of the tribulation. Jesus only said that we would not have to endure the wrath of God, which happens when the 7th vial is opened. What makes us better than anyone else, salvation? In the account in the book of Matthew, it says, "Immediately after the tribulation of those days."(Matt. 24:29.) Of course the ultimate answer for when the Lord will return is, 'when the Father tell Christ to return." Whenever that may be.
I'll add a little bit more to the fun. I think that the best way that Revelation makes sense is to read all but the last few chapters as past/present, and only the last few chapters as future. The same with Jesus' talk about the end of the age. I find it has much more to do with the destruction and fall of Jerusalem than the end of the space/time universe, though he definitely draws some parallels. Of course, for Jews the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem pretty much is the "end of the world" for them. Thoughts?
opps. sorry about posting that last comment 3 times. Blogger was giving me issues.
This Michael kid... I quite enjoy him. Cheers! :)
So, Michael, would you say you fall into the preterist camp or another camp? Just wondering for clarification purposes.
partial preterist with modifications here and there. ;-)
Here are some further thoughts on my blog -
In my heart, I believe Christ was born again/second coming began on 7/7/07. I have a Study Bible, New Living Translation and in the book of Revelations 13:18,it says: If the number seven is considered to be the perfect number in the Bible, and if three sevens represents complete perfection, then the number 666 falls completely short of perfection." Our earth will never see a date of 7/7/07 again because it will be completely destroyed before the year 3007; so what other possible time would be more perfect for Jesus to come, not to mention the 7th was on a Saturday, which was originally the Sabbath, the day to honor the Lord before it was changed to Sunday.
The whole Bible speaks of the significance of number so three 7's must be relevant to the second coming of Christ. Does anyone else feel this way?
Is that a joke?
You know, cuz 1907 and 1807 and 1707 and 1607.... blah blah blah...
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