Monday, December 01, 2008

Black Friday
Yes, I did attend the early morning sale at Wal-Mart this past Friday. It was interesting to watch everyone go crazy over "stuff." Basically, it was a mad rush of people so enamoured with items that were on sale that they would do anything to get that item including the following:
(From Daily News Wire Services)
Wal-Mart Shoppers Trample NY Worker - A man was trampled to death as people burst through the doors at a suburban store and knocked him down.
(From Daily News Wire Services)
Fatal Shooting Follows Brawl At Toy Store - The shooting occurred in a crowded toy store, but the authorities say it wasn't related to the bargain hunting frenzy. Instead, the two men pulled guns and killed each other after the women with them erupted into a bloody brawl.
(From ABC News at 11:00 am on Monday, December 1)
Shots have been fired at a mall in the North. Information is not clear why, but it was enough of a story to make the news.
Well, I guess we can see how people are celebrating Christmas this year. I sure hope we are different. I hope we "save" money by shopping the sales, but more than that, I hope we remember why we celebrate Christmas. May Christ be honored in our Christmas this year! After all, He is the reason for the season!

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