Tuesday, November 11, 2008

MBA Of Texas State Meeting - Part 1

TBI Alumni Banquet
The TBI Alumni Banquet was held last night at 7:00 pm and was a great celebration of TBI's 60th anniversary. Many former and current students were present, along with their spouses, for a total of 193 attendees. Bro. Kuykendall served as Program Committee with Bro. Matt Gholson as the Moderator and Lawrence Thompson as Asst. Moderator.
A big thank you to Calvary Baptist Church for fixing such a wonderful meal and hosting the banquet. A huge thanks goes to all churches and people who have supported TBI throughout the years.
Officers for 2009 Alumni Banquet:
Moderator - Lawrence Thompson
Asst. Moderator - Doyle Clifton
Clerk - Matt Gholson
Asst. Clerk - Kyle Clinton

Pastor & Laymen's Council
The meeting opened at 10 am with Bro. Ed Davis, Moderator, and Bro. Mike Rice, Asst. Moderator, presiding over the meeting along with the clerks. Elections were held for officers for next year. Bro. Matt Gholson and Bro. John Culley were nominated for speaker for next year's session. Bro. Matt Gholson was elected as speaker with Bro. John Culley serving as alternate.
Bro. Jason Hebert brought the morning message and did a wonderful job. He challenged all of us, especially us pastors, to be like Jesus and not the disciples. Thank you Jason!
Following the message, Missionaries spoke concerning the Lord's work in their respective areas. The meeting will close at 11:30 and resume in the afternoon.

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