Wednesday, June 23, 2010

ABA National Meeting - Wednesday Morning

The meeting began with Scripture, prayer, and various thoughts at 9:15 am. Bro. Stewart was called upon to read the minutes from yesterday’s meeting.
Bro. Ray Brooks, questioned the practice of the Standing Missionary Committee writing a church requesting for any name or request to be withdrawn for Missionary support. The concern is that such a practice may lead to further control or influence by the committee. The issue of concern refers to a divorced man serving as a Missionary supported through the office of Secretary-Treasurer. This issue is not addressed by the Mission Policy of the ABA.
A motion and second was made to approve the report of the Mission Committee meeting yesterday.
Nominations were made for the position of Secretary-Treasurer of Missions. Bro. Randy Cloud was nominated. Bro. Cloud was approved.
Nominations were taken for the Standing Missionary Committee (a committee of 25). Due to the amount of names and substitute nominations, no list will be given at this time.
Bro. Randy Cloud gave recognition to those who had served for many years: Bro. Charles Murphy (15 years) and Bro. Billy Sheppard (27 years).
All Missionaries supported through the office of Secretary-Treasurer of Missions in Texarkana were asked to come on stage for a special time of prayer.
Following the prayer, the Mattingly Family sang a special.
The following items were removed from the table to be considered as further items of business.
A motion and second was made for the recommendation of Bro. Kuk to be considered at this time. The motion carried. Bro. Kuk was added to the list of recommended Missionaries.
A motion was made by Bro. Murphy to take off a number of names (5-6) from the table to be considered for recommendation at this time. A second was made, and the motion carried. The Missionaries were added to the list of recommended Missionaries.
A motion and second was made for the recommendation of Bro. Leonel to be considered at this time. The motion carried. Bro. Leonel was added to the list of recommended Missionaries.
A motion and second was made for the recommendation of Bro. Roberts to be considered at this time. The motion carried. Bro. Roberts was added to the list of recommended Missionaries.
A motion and second was made for the recommendation of Bro. Ellery Mejia to be considered at this time. The motion carried. Bro. Mejia was added to the list of recommended Missionaries.
A motion and second was made for the recommendation of Bro. Williams to be considered at this time. The motion carried. Bro. Williams was added to the list of recommended Missionaries.
A motion and second was made for the proposed change to the Mission Policy to be removed from the table. The motion carried. (Discussion ensued but a vote was not taken due to a motion being made to adjourn. There was a second, and the meeting was adjourned until 1:20 pm.)

The exhibits will open at 11:40 am and be open until 1:15 pm. They will be open again this afternoon from 4:30-6:20 pm and tonight from 9:40-10:30 pm.


Midwest Razorback said...

What is the proposed change to the Missions Policy?

Bro. Matt said...

I don't have the proposed change in front of me but will post it later (hopefully tonight). Basically it was a clarification and nothing major.