Friday, June 27, 2008

Kids Kamp '08

I was blessed to have the opportunity to preach the Evening Services at Kids Kamp this year. The theme was "Heroes of Mega-City" which the kids just loved! It was a superhero based theme which always fits with children and was especially appropriate seeing that this summer has more than its fair share of superhero movies.
While the week was a great hit, the best part was the salvation of at least 15 souls. Praise God! And while the number may seem small to some camps, many of these children are very young, "new" to church "stuff," and at least had the gospel seed planted in their heart.
Continue to pray for Pine Springs Baptist Camp and its staff. Continue to pray for me - I will be preaching at "Encounter" (another week of camp at Pine Springs Baptist Camp). And continue to pray for the salvation of souls.

Friday, June 20, 2008

On The Road Again...

After a week of meetings, it was good to hang out with some friends Thursday afternoon and evening. We ate supper with the Hebert's and saw Jason make a horrendous mess (just ask him about it!!!). We then got everything ready, slept a bit, and arrived at the rental car place around 6:00 am. Our flight to Seattle was to leave at 7:00, however, at 6:55 they called us off the plane and put us on a plane flying straight to Portland (instead of Spokane-Seattle-Portland). For as time goes, that's great, but I did want to see Seattle. Anyway, we arrived at Portland ahead of schedule and was even able to fly out of there four hours early. To make a long story short, we arrived in Dallas before we would have even left Portland!!! And yes we flew first class (thanks again Retta!!!), and yes we enjoyed it!

Well, I have been working on the plane, in the hotel room, etc. and am ready for a short break. After that, we'll eat and get back to working on Sunday's stuff and next week's camp stuff (and the next week's camp stuff!!!).

Pray for us, we have one more flight from Dallas to Longview in the morning around 9:00 am or so. Can't wait to be home!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Day 4 - Report B
1:30 PM:
The session began with music and prayer and contained reports from the National Music Director's Association, the National Women's Auxiliary, and the Resolutions Committee. A standing vote of thanks was shown for the city of Spokane and its hospitality.
The following were elected as officers for 2008-2009:
President - Roger Copeland
V.P.s - Calhoun, Crain, and Owens
Speaker - Robert Myers
Alt. Speaker - Barry Carter
Missionary Speaker - Livingstone Lambert
Alt. Missionary Speaker - Carrion
Music Directors - Paulk, Albritton, and Crouse
Director of Mtg. Arrangements - Eddie Sutton
Asst. Dirs. of Mtg. Arrangements - Neal Sutton, Jerry Grimes
A standing vote of appreciation was given for now past president, Bro. Neal Clark, who served as president of the ABA for the last two years
All salaries were kept the same (as were the salaries for the Secretary-Treasurer of Missions, Editor-in-Chief, and Business Manager).
With a few closing remarks from the officers and other individuals, the 83rd messenger meeting of the churches of the American Baptist Association ended. Pray was offered for God's blessings upon every one's travels, upon their churches, and upon the work accomplished in Spokane.
Day 4 - Report A

9:15 AM:
The meeting began with Scripture, prayer, and music. The Editor-In-Chief and the Business Manager of the Baptist Sunday School Committee gave their reports which were adopted. A motion was made to increase the literature price by 7%. An amendment was made to that motion to increase the literature price by 10%. The amendment passed and the overall motion passed. This price effect will take place starting in the Winter Quarter (according to my understanding). A motion was made and seconded to authorize the SS Committee to increase the price of the literature throughout the year as the economy dictates. After some discussion, the motion failed. The SS Committee then recommended the writers for the coming year. The motion was passed (the office in Texarkana can provide you with the names). A motion was made for the Business Manager in conjunction with the SS Committee to produce a general financial report in basic format for information purposes of the messengers. The motion failed. (The Committee does produce an annual Auditor's Report available to everyone.)

Bro. Eddie Sutton spoke concerning the annual meetings and the hotel reservations. The attrition rate was very high this year and almost cost the association quite a bit of money. He encouraged all messengers to realize the business aspect of the association meeting.

The session adjourned for lunch at 11:30.
Day 3 - Report D
6:30 PM:
The session began with music, prayer, and a devotional. Music included many specials and a choir presentation. Following a short presentation, Fresno, California was chosen as the meeting place for 2012. (Springfield, Missouri will be the location for the 2009 meeting.)
The Memorial Committee spoke concerning all pastors that had passed away since we last met. Five past presidents of the ABA passed away last year. Combined, these men had over 320 years of ministry experience. A short presentation was given in remembrance of these men.
Following this presentation, the Missions Presentation was given by Dr. Randy Cloud. The missionaries, joined by their families onstage, were presented to the Messenger Assembly (194 missionaries through the office in Texarkana). An offering was then received ($6,003.83) while the 2009 VBS material was presented and the Olympic Bible project was presented.
At 8:50 PM, Bro. Jason Rigby, missionary to Chehalis, WA, brought a missionary sermon from 2 Timothy 3:15-17. We were dismissed at 9:30 PM.
Following the dismissal, Jen and I went to the Exhibit Hall to pick up more information concerning the 2009 Springfield, Missouri arrangements, etc. After speaking with fellow pastors concerning various business, Jen and I met up with Bro. Lynn Raburn and his wife, Brenda at approximately 10:30 PM. (It was such a joy to visit with them!) Finally, at midnight, Jen and I return to the hotel room and start finishing things up for the day.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day 3 - Report C

1:30 PM:
The afternoon session began with prayer, music, and a devotional. The Youth Campgrounds Report was read and approved. The camp managers for Bogg Springs and Pine Springs spoke to the report. The camp trustees were re-elected.

The Chaplaincy Report was read, spoken to by various chaplains and military officials, and addressed by former chaplains. The report was then approved. "America The Beautiful" was sang and then a special time of silence was observed followed by a prayer of blessing for our military.

The History & Archives report was read, spoken to, and then approved. Bro. Terry Parish was honored for speaking at a 2007 celebration honoring Baptists in America ("300 Years of Baptist Associations in America"). He spoke concerning the legacy of Landmarkism in America at this event.
The Law Enforcement Chaplaincy Report was read and approved. The MBSF report was read and approved. The National Youth Meeting Report was read and approved. The ABA Credit Union Report was read and approved.
The Enrollment & Finance Committee reported 640 churches pre-registered with 150 registering at the meeting for a total of 790 churches sending in letters of association (very low number this year). $80,113 was given towards the meeting expense and $11,923 towards the Missions Committee expense. There were 356 Messengers pre-registered with 275 registering at the meeting for a total of 621 (very low numbers as well). [Total attendance will be determined after the Wednesday night service.] $10, 376,574.95 was given to mission work this year throughout various mission programs.
The Exhibit Hall has over 100 booths (low numbers again) containing ministry, mission work, publishing house, music, etc. information.
Day 3 - Report B
9:15 AM (cont.):
The meeting was very calm with no missionary brought up for a separate vote. (The questions concerning Bro. Jeremiah were answered yesterday and not brought up again.) Bro. Randy Cloud was re-elected as Secretary-Treasurer of Missions. The amendment proposed by Heritage MBC was taken off the table and will be referred to the churches of the ABA for the next year. At the meeting in Springfield, Missouri, this item of business will then be debated and voted on. (I have a copy and will discuss it later.) The second amendment to the Missions Policy of the ABA proposed by Pine Crest in Georgia was voted down and not taken off the table. (I have a copy and will discuss it later.) Later, a motion was made and seconded to report in the mission booklet the number of professions, baptisms, and amount of sponsoring church's support sent through Texarkana for each missionary. This motion failed. The session adjourned after a few other items were handled. After the session, we walked to Chili's for a quick lunch and then headed back for the afternoon session.
Day 3 - Report A

9:15 AM:
After enjoying a great breakfast (the bacon is incredible at the hotel restaurant - even though Jen did eat some of mine!) with the Grigsby's (former Pastor of Pleasant Hill MBC outside of Overton), we started the morning meeting with prayer, a devotional, and a special in song (a lady performed "How Great Thou Art" in sign language - it was beautiful!). Dr. Randy Cloud, Secretary-Treasurer of Missions of the ABA, gave his annual report concerning the missionary work supported through Texarkana. He reported "18,452 professions of faith, 1,613 baptisms, 601 received by letters, 74,341 sermons preached, and 16,611 lessons taught. Missionaries reported self-supporting churches being established in Africa, Philippines, India, Belize, and Thailand. For the fiscal year 2007-2008, $2,614,584.64 was given through the office in Texarkana. At the messenger meeting of the churches this year in Spokane, Washington, 194 missionaries will be recommended for financial support through the office of Secretary-Treasurer of Missions. These missionaries are serving the Lord in 28 states and 28 foreign countries. If all of the Interstate, Foreign, and National Missionaries are approved without any raises, the monthly pay out will increase approximately $23,000 or 11%. Approximately $2,767,000 will be needed to pay the missionaries for the coming year. The balance in the mission treasury at the end of May 2008 was $783,083.46." (abbreviated information taken from the Secretary-Treasurer's 2007-2008 fiscal year annual report) This information pertains only to the missionaries supported through the office in Texarkana - much more missionary work is done outside this program as well.

The final process of approving missionaries is now under way. Due to the nature of this meeting and my responsibility as a teller, I will be forced to write about the rest of the morning meeting later.
Day 2 - Report B

1:30 PM:
Separate votes were called for on several men in the Missions Committee. Most (maybe all...can't quite remember right now) of these men were "approved" to remain on the list for the main meeting tomorrow. There were some other side issues regarding raises of the Secretary-Treasurer of Missions, etc., however, the main excitement began when certain churches were named according to the amount they sent to Texarkana for "missions." This caused quite a stir to which several of those pastors spoke out against such action. Things will certainly be interesting tomorrow when much of this will come up again! Also, there is much discussion concerning the actual responsibilities of the Missions Committee. There are also two amendments to be presented tomorrow concerning changes to the Missions Policy.

6:30 PM:
The ABA meeting was opened with adoption of the agenda, specials in music, presentation of the colors, and a President's address from Neal Clark and a soul-stirring message from Bro. Darrel Owens. The list for meeting places to choose from for 2012 was distributed with the vote to be taken tomorrow. Certain amendments were proposed and tabled so that we might discuss them tomorrow.

9:15 PM:
The exhibit hall officially opened with less exhibitors than in the past, but still a great showing of colleges, printing houses, mission work, individual church ministries, etc. Jen and I even found a cool helicopter toy for the children.

10:30 PM:
Supper time. Let's eat!

12:15 Midnight
It's time for blogging, checking email, and taking care of miscellaneous business items that need to be done before the meeting tomorrow.

P.S. Pray for the meeting - I'm a teller!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Day 2 - Report A

8:30 AM:
After breakfast, I attended the Baptist Sunday School Committee. The overall progress of the printing and literature seems to be positive. There are concerns with the overall Christian Store Industry and the approximate 25-32% decline in the actual number of stores. The store sales have seen some upswing with the implementation of new technologies. The overall literature sales are up, however, the Spanish literature sales is not increasing as quickly as was hoped. The price of literature will also be increased upon approval of the messengers on Thursday morning.

10:00 AM:
I am currently in the Missions Committee meeting and, while I am not a prophet, I can guarantee you there will be some fireworks this year. There are some major issues/problems to deal with, so please pray for us as we use godly wisdom to further His work.
Day 1 Report

6:30 PM:
The meetings have begun, and it was good to see everyone at the opening banquet. Following approximately an hour of fellowship, I attended the ABATS (American Baptist Association of Theological Schools) as a representative of Texas Baptist Institute & Seminary. The meeting was informative and encouraging. It is good to see our schools advancing forward in the teaching of God's Word and in the methodology used (technological advancements, etc.). After the schools meeting, I attended the last part of the Missionary Share Time. This is a time where anyone from a Missionary to a Pastor of a Missionary can quickly (1-2 minutes at most) share the work with which they are involved. There are many exciting works in many different places by many different servants but all blessed by one God!!!

9:30 PM:
Following the meetings, Jennifer and I went to eat supper with some friends at Chili's, but for whatever reason, the Chili's across from the hotel closes at 9:00 pm...bummer! So, we made our way down to Azteca (Mexican Food). While it was not quite the Tex-Mex cuisine we are used to, it was pretty good. But better than the food was the great time we had with Doug & Marnie Gregg, Chris & Christine Miller, Jason & Cindy Hebert, Wayne & Novis Stringer, & Michael. It is so much fun to spend time with brothers and sisters in Christ (even if they do pick on me for the color of my shirt...which by the way Jennifer picked out!). Having finished our meal, we finally made it back to the hotel at 11:30 PM. So, now I must finish because our meetings start at 8:00 AM, and I need sleep!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Who's On First

Pray that our meetings this week do not go like this!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

I hope every father has a great day of superior remote-controlling, lots of food, and relaxation. Well, at least maybe the fathers will realize how much we appreciate all they do. Fathers are so important to families and children, so pray for your father, husband, brother, uncle, etc. to have the strength to be the father God would have them to be. Also, read Proverbs 27:6-7 and see what God has to say about fathers.
Sunday Happenings

I hope and pray you all had a wonderful Sunday (at least you finally got to hear some good preaching!). Jen and I attended Valley Landmark Missionary Baptist Church's worship service here at the DoubleTree Hotel and was blessed to hear Bro. Brian Sellers bring a message from Judges 7 (Gideon and his 300 men). Jen was also glad to finally hear some good preaching (and so was I)!!! Seriously though, it was a great to hear the Word of God preached. Afterward, the church had reserved a banquet room and fed all the guests. Now you know they are real Baptists! Jen and I also relaxed some and caught up on some reading. We also walked around the park (old Expo grounds) and loved seeing all the waterfalls here in Spokane.

Now for the interesting/funny stuff:
First, it is 9:17 pm here and it is just now getting dark. I mean, it will not be fully dark until about 9:45. What's up with that? Furthermore, if you don't like to get up early, then don't come to Spokane! I know at 5:30 it is full daylight!
Second, for some reason, people seem to think Jen and I have an accent...imagine that! We went to eat supper and when the waiter came to introduce himself, he asked from what southern state we came. We told him Texas, and he said that he knew we were not from Spokane.
Third, the waiter asked Jen what she wanted to drink and she said "Sweet tea." He then said, "Green tea?" She responded, "No, sweet tea." He then looked for a second and said, "Black tea?" She then looked at him and asked for iced tea. He then said, "Ah, you mean brewed tea." She said, "Yes. Brewed tea. Do you have it already sweetened?" He said, "No." So that's when I start thinking about Dr Pepper. Jen then ordered unsweet iced tea. Then he asked what I wanted and I said, "Tea, but bring some sugar." He brought the sugar, but the tea had some fruit flavoring in it - nasty! Tea should only have two things in it - ice and sugar! Here's the catch. No one up here serves sweet tea (or at least I have not found the right restaurant yet). In fact, many of them look at you weird when you ask for it. Besides, what self-respecting restaurant serves green tea?!? Well, I can only stomach so much of the tea, so then I ask for a Dr Pepper. He looked at me and said, "I'm sorry. We don't have Dr Pepper. We have Coke." Well, I can handle that, so off we go. Come to find out, the waiter loves Dr Pepper too!!! I have not found a restaurant up here that serves Dr Pepper, thus my theory is strengthened that we are not in the Bible Belt - no sweet tea and no Dr Pepper.

Well, as you can tell, I'm out of my culture up here. But at least the people are nice, and they have not thrown me too many weird looks. Yet, they are not used to people saying "Ma'am" and "Sir" so I'll try to soften up the "Southern speak"...naw, not really!

Now for the business:
We start the meetings tomorrow, so probably much less funny stuff and much more serious stuff will come your way. I hope you have a great week and we are praying for all of you!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

World Traveler

We have finally made it to Spokane, Washington. We left this morning from Longview and arrived in Dallas. From there, we flew to Portland and then hopped on another plane to Spokane. Overall, it was a breeze (no pun intended). Besides being tired of travelling and the 2 hour time difference (not a big deal really), we are doing great.

The only complaint about this area is the price of everything. It is ALL high. Can't wait to be back in East Texas where things are not so outrageously priced (and not EVERY single item talks about environmental stuff).

Friday, June 13, 2008


This is for my South American and European friends.

The Top 5 Worst Goals

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Political Hypocrisy

[The following excerpt is taken from the June 14-21 issue of World Magazine.]

"The IRS concluded that Wiley Drake, pastor of First Southern Baptist Church in Beuna Park, California, acted as an individual and not as a representative of his church when he endorsed presidential candidate Mike Huckabee last summer in a press release and on his radio show. The ruling means the church's tax-exempt status is not in danger."

Now for my thoughts:
You have got to be kidding me. The IRS seriously investigated this man? What a ridiculous way to spend taxpayers' dollars. Furthermore, if they investigated pastor Drake, why are they not investigating men like Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Priest Michael Pfleger, Rev. Jesse Jackson, and Rev. Al Sharpton?!? Oh, I forget, the above mentioned men are of the liberal persuasion thus they can do no wrong.

As for myself, I do not endorse any candidate from the pulpit, however, I will speak with you after the service and tell you what I think about a candidate. And yes, I have that right as a U.S. citizen (remember, the first amendment?). Furthermore, I unashamedly speak about ISSUES from the pulpit. And yes, that is legal! (If you do not believe me, then check the laws. I have researched this issue and a church is 100% lawful in speaking for/against the issues. The only restriction in this arena is in the endorsing of a candidate - which is still debated in some areas.) The IRS cannot stop a person from doing such, for we as Americans have freedoms, and we as Christians have an obligation to speak out against sin of all kind. For example, I have preached against same-sex marriage, yet at the same pulpit I have preached that we should be a good citizen of our country.

May God have mercy on our nation.

"Providence has given our people the choice of their rulers,and it is the duty, as well as privilege and interest,of a Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers." - John Jay

Thursday, June 05, 2008

"How To Survive In An Age Of Apostasy: Learning From The Lessons Of History"
The church today is quite possibly more susceptible to false teachers, doctrinal saboteurs, and spiritual terrorism than any other generation in church history. Biblical ignorance within the church may well be deeper and more widespread than at any other time since the Protestant Reformation. If you doubt that, compare the typical sermon of today with a randomly chosen published sermon from any leading evangelical preacher prior to 1850. Also compare today's Christian literature with almost anything published by evangelical publishing houses a hundred years or more ago.
Bible teaching, even in the best of venues today, has been deliberately dumbed-down, made as broad and as shallow as possible, oversimplified, adapted to the lowest common denominator - and then tailored to appeal to people with short attention spans. Sermons are almost always brief, simplistic, overlaid with as many references to pop culture as possible, and laden with anecdotes and illustrations. (Jokes and funny stories drawn from personal experience are favored over cross-references and analogies borrowed from Scripture itself.) Typical sermon topics are heavily weighted in favor of man-centered issues (such as personal relationships, successful living, self-esteem, how-to lists, and so on) - to the exclusion of the many Christ-exalting doctrinal themes of Scripture.
In other words, what most contemporary preachers do is virtually the opposite of what Paul was describing when he said he sought "to declare...the whole counsel of God" (Acts 20:27). Not only that, but here's how Paul explained his own approach to gospel ministry, even among unchurched pagans in the most debauched Roman culture: "I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I was with you i weakness, in fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God." (I Corinthians 2:1-5)
Notice that Paul deliberately refused to customize his message or adjust his delivery to suit the Corinthians' philosophical bent or their cultural tastes. When he says later in the epistle, "To the Jews I became as a those who are without law, as without the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some" (I Corinthians 9:20-22), he was describing how he made himself a servant to all (vs. 19) and the fellow of those whom he was trying to reach. In other words, he avoided making himself a stumbling block. He was not saying he adapted the gospel message (which he plainly said is a stumbling block - 1:23). He did not adopt methods to suit the tastes of a worldly culture.
Paul had no thought of catering to a particular generation's preferences, and he used no gimmicks as attention-getters. Whatever antonym you can think of for the word "showmanship" would probably be a good description of Paul's style of public ministry. He wanted to make it clear to everyone (including the Corinthian converts themselves) that lives and hearts are renewed by means of the Word of God and nothing else. That way they would begin to understand and appreciate the power of the gospel message.
by contrast, today' church-growth experts seem to have no confidence in Scripture's power. They are convinced the gospel needs to be "contextualized," streamlined, and revamped anew for every generation. Forty years of that approach has left evangelicals grossly untaught, wholly unprepared to defend the truth, and almost entirely unaware of how much is at stake. The evangelical movement itself has become a monstrosity, its vast size and visibility belying its almost total spiritual failure. One thing is certain: the cumbersome movement that most people today would label "evangelical" is populated with large numbers of people who are on the wrong side in the Truth War.
[Entire quotation taken from John MacArthur's The Truth War, pgs. 165-168.]

Monday, June 02, 2008

Here I Raise Mine Ebenezer

Since becoming Pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church, I have had many (and I mean many) people ask me the following type questions:
“What does Ebenezer mean?”
“Why would anyone name a church Ebenezer?”
“Why name a church after a word in a song?”
“What does Ebenezer Scrooge have to do with the Bible?”
So what does the word Ebenezer mean anyway?
It comes from Scripture, specifically 1 Samuel 7:12-14 where it is written: Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Jeshanah, and named it Ebenezer; for he said, "Thus far the LORD has helped us." So the Philistines were subdued and did not again enter the territory of Israel; the hand of the LORD was against the Philistines all the days of Samuel. The towns that the Philistines had taken from Israel were restored to Israel, from Ekron to Gath; and Israel recovered their territory from the hand of the Philistines. There was peace also between Israel and the Amorites.
“The word ‘Ebenezer’ comes from Hebrew and is actually two words pronounced together: Even Haazer. Written in Hebrew it looks like this:
It is usually transliterated as a proper name by dropping the definite article (Ha) from the Hebrew word for ‘place’ (Ezer) and putting it together with the Hebrew word for ‘stone’ (Even) to create: ‘Ebenezer.’ The etymological roots of the word, thus defined, should demonstrate that an ‘Ebenezer’ is, literally, a ‘Stone of Help.’
“The place named ‘Ebenezer’ was not actually called ‘Ebenezer’ until after the Israelites finally defeated the Philistines, and took back the Ark of the Covenant. To commemorate the victorious battle, Samuel set up a marker-stone, named it ‘Stone of Help,’ and thereby the site became identified with the stone and with the place where God’s miraculous help aided them in their victory over the Philistines. The stone, standing up-right, was called "Ebenezer," and the site naturally took on that name as well. Literally speaking, an Ebenezer is a "stone of help," or a reminder of God’s Real, Holy Presence and Divine aid.” [copied]
Maybe now when you hear the following song at church, it will give new meaning to the words that are being repeated.

Here I raise mine Ebenezer
Hither by Thy help I’m come
And I hope, by Thy good pleasure
Safely to arrive at home
Jesus sought me when a stranger
Wandering from the fold of God
He, to rescue me from danger
Interposed His precious blood
(taken from “Come, Thou Fount”)

May Ebenezer Baptist Church be a Stone of Help!

(Thank you Sis. Pamela for sending me the email that started this idea for the newsletter. Kudos to the original author whose name was not given, but to whom much credit is due.)