Wednesday, July 12, 2006

"Seeking The Salvation Of Others"

Did you know that the most effective witnessing is that which you do among those who know you best? Your friends, family, and neighbors will listen to you many times when others will not (unfortunately, sometimes the opposite is true). However, the real question is, "How do you reach those people you love and admire for Christ? What are some effective methods to reach those close to you? Can we as a church institute these methods?" I would like for you to give me some ideas, comments, or even questions about this. I will use your comments (unless you specify otherwise) during our Sunday night service on August 6. Remember, the ideas you share may allow us to lead someone to Christ! (Thanks for your input!)

1 comment:

Sheff said...

Hey Matt, I've been waiting for an update...Let us know what's happening in your life, my brother. :)