The Da Vinci Code - Fact Or Fiction?
The Da Vinci Code, written by Dan Brown, has become a bestseller in over 100 countries. It has even been made into a movie which will open later this month. So why all the "hoop-la" about this book? Granted, this book meets many of the requirements for a "good read," however, it is based on much bad history. And much of this bad history has been around for centuries! There are many websites that address this controversial issue, but what I want to know is what questions and concerns you have about the book and/or movie. Are you afraid of what this movie will do to Christianity? Have you read the book or do you plan on seeing the movie? Do you think Christians should abstain from watching the movie? Give me your feedback, and we'll try to answer any question you put out there!
The importance of inward religion
17 hours ago
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