Wow...where has the time gone?
It seems just like yesterday that I posted my last article (well, maybe two days ago). Anyway, it's been so hectic that I haven't had time to read or post much on the blogosphere. So here we go (and yes, forgive me for being sad - ABC has probably cancelled my favorite show.)!
Easter - what a wonderful time to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. You know, without the resurrection, our entire faith would be in vain. If Christ had remained in the grave, then in all actuality, we would not have had a Savior. [He prophesied that He would rise from the grave, and if He hadn't, then He would have been lying, thus no perfect, sinless substitute.] Furthermore, we would have no hope. And how any "Christian" can deny the resurrection is beyond me. If Christ is still in the grave, then let's go fishing instead of going to church to worship! There's no point for us wasting time is there? But fortunately, Christ did come out of the grave, and He is alive today. One day He will return. Are you ready? If not, check out this website (, and it will explain how you can accept Christ as your Savior.
Because He Lives!
Bro. Matt
The importance of inward religion
14 hours ago