Thursday, October 26, 2006

Starting November 5, I will preach a series of sermons with the theme "Happy Thanks Living." I pray that these sermons will challenge us to truly be aware of how much we have spiritually and physically and to be thankful for them. And of course, a thankful child of God will be a child of God who has a happy (joyful) life. Besides, shouldn't we be the ones who are happy? We have eternal life! Let's put on a smile and share it with all!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Great things are happening! I finally cleaned out the closet and found stuff I had been looking for. My wife is extremely pleased with the cleanliness too. Overall, I must say that I did quite a job on the closet. You can actually see the floor. But please don't call me to clean your closet...unless, I get to throw away everything! Well, enough chit-chat for now. I have homework to do.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Texas A&M - 34
Oklahoma St. - 33

Whoop! Gig'em Aggies!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Faith Promise Results

Well, Bro. Lynn Raburn did an excellent job this past week. At the close of our Missions Revival, Sunday morning, we had everyone sit down and fill out a commitment card with their covenant between them and God circled or written down. That evening, the Missions Committee met and tabulated the totals. Now, are you sitting down? For our FIRST Faith Promise Missions Revival, the members of Ebenezer Baptist Church covenanted with God to give $24,432 for missions over the next year! Praise God! What an awesome God we serve. Who says God can't do big things still!?!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Faith Promise Missions Revival

Please pray for us as we have our first annual Missions Revival. Bro. Lynn Raburn is the guest speaker, and, as usual, is challenging us to be more faithful to God. Pray for us as we try to be obedient in this area of "church life."

Thursday, October 05, 2006

"Do You Have Change For A..."

I bet you never hear that in a Baptist Church. Why is it so difficult for a church to make changes? Does change equate to new doctrine or unscriptural teaching? Wasn't it a change to have microphones, air conditioners, padded pews, etc. in the church building? Wasn't it a change, at one time, to have a church building? Did Jesus reach every person with the same method, or did He change the method to fit the person?

While many changes are not for the best, how about an honest evaluation of something before it's condemned because "it's never been done this way before."

I believe it's time for a change. We, we must get back to the basics of preaching and teaching the Bible. We must quit promoting the church welfare system now known as "missions." We need to teach local church and practice local church! We must be more concerned about people than we are about land and buildings. We must be willing to take the heat and quit backing down when people don't like what the Bible has to say. We must change!

Oh, by the way, do you have change for a...?