Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Environment vs. Humans
Yes, yes...I know. "Mother Earth" has given us life, thus we should protect and take care of her...blah, blah, blah. Why are people so blinded by this environmental wacko stuff? People are more worried about a tree than a baby. "Don't cut (kill) down the tree!" is their mantra while they turn and tell us "It's okay to abort (murder) a baby!" I'm at a loss...really, I am. I mean, yes, it is important that we take care of the environment (i.e., conservation). I'm all for using the land and using it properly. After all, I hunt and have raised all sorts of livestock. Do you think I want to destroy the earth...well, no! But I do not worship the land either. Good grief. Now comes this report out of England. I hope you don't enjoy reading it.
British Environmental Advisor Backs Population Control, Two Kids Per Family
(by Steven ErteltLifeNews.com EditorFebruary 2, 2009)
London, England (LifeNews.com) -- A chief environmental advisor in England is urging population control and says he believes there should be a limit in Britain of no more than two children per family. John Porritt, who chairs the UK government's Sustainable Development Commission, says any more than two children is "irresponsible."
Porritt told a British newspaper that the current climate in England can't accommodate any more children.
He says the national government should aggressively spend taxpayer funds on promoting abortions and birth control, contraception, and implementing programs urging parents to limit their number of children.
"I am unapologetic about asking people to connect their own responsibility for their total environmental footprint and how they decide to procreate and how many children they think are appropriate," he said.
"I think we will work our way towards a position that says having more than two children is irresponsible," he told the London Times.
"It is the ghost at the table. We have all these big issues that everybody is looking at and then you don't really hear anyone say the 'p' word," he said of population control.
The government is expected to get a report next month from Porritt, who is an aide to Prime Minister Gordon Brown, on the status of the population figures in England.
Porritt's comments have upset pro-life groups who compared his views to those of communist China, which forbids parents from having any more than one child and employs harsh punishments such as forced abortions and sterilizations for violators.
The population control regime in China has also resulted in sex-selection abortions and infanticides of girl babies and has drastically altered the male-female ratio of the nation. That has led to several social problems such as a bachelor nation, sex trafficking and prostitution, and the sale of teen girls.
Josephine Quintaville, founder of the pro-life group Comment on Reproductive Ethics, which is pro-life, responded to the population control advocacy.
"This seems to be the same old thing: save the world but kill a human," she said.
"As far as I understand it, it is the most affluent nations that are doing the most damage to the world, not the countries that have got the most children," she said.
Porritt also says he wants to convince more environmental groups of the connection between lowering the population levels and protecting the environment. However, many environmental groups have long been criticized for backing eugenic population control.


Anonymous said...

Jess and I were just talking the other day about how a large family used to be a sign of God's blessings, now it is seen as a sign of ignorance.

Even so come quickly Lord

Jonathan Melton said...

Don't think it can't happen in America

Brooke said...

One of my professors last semester did bring this up and had us take a test to examine our carbon footprints. Whenever an idea is congratulated in higher education, it eventually makes its way into acceptance in the common culture. And also historically the general trend is that anything accepted politically in Western Europe migrates to the U.S. within 10-15 years. So, younglandmarker, this policy can potentially "happen in America."
Also, if Porritt knew anything about social demographics, he would be biting his tongue right now. England is well below replacement rate (2 kids per 2 parents) as far as fertility goes. They will be lucky as it is if they can keep their population levels UP to even retain their influence in the global sphere.