Monday, October 20, 2008

Consistency Is The Name Of The Game
If Barack Hussein Obama is all about redistributing the wealth, then why doesn't he take some of his $150,000,000 contributed to his campaign and give it to McCain who settled for the federal money totalling $86,000,000. If Obama is so much about change, then why is he accepting money from political groups when he originally said he would not. Furthermore, if he is so "concerned" about others, then why does he not give some of his $150 million to fellow Democrats as Harry Reid has asked him to do. It seems that what is good for us (a redistribution of the wealth, a.k.a. socialism) is not good for Obama. Maybe he's not so different from all those other politicians. Well, so much for change...


Anonymous said...

Oh but change is coming... he just never said what kind of change that would be. If (or, realistically speaking, when) Obama is elected, health care will change, taxes will change, foreign policy will change, etc. He is distinguishable from other politicians in that his policy plans are more radically liberal than ever before. No one ever said it was change FOR THE BETTER.

Bro. Matt said... true! I find it somewhat depressing how little people really know about the political process and the politics of the candidates (and that includes all the candidates!). Of course, me being somewhat conservative...okay, okay...VERY conservative, I really don't like the radically, liberal policies being pushed.

R. L. Vaughn said...

"Obama is so much about change, then why is he accepting money from political groups when he originally said he would not."

Why should we be surprised? Maybe that's what he means by change -- "I'll say one thing, then change and do something else."